The old King Lear decides to divide his kingdom between his three daughters, guided by the love he has for each one. He makes the mistake of giving it to his two older daughters, the flattering Goneril and Regan, as Cordelia refuses to compete with her sisters and is sent into exile. Goneril and Regan soon reveal their cruel nature by denying shelter to their father. Lear enters a storm in the company of his few faithful. The pain drives him mad, but the help of the Earl of Gloucester saves his life. Meanwhile, Goneril and Regan dispute the love of Edmund, bastard son of Gloster, and Cordelia returns from her forced exile with the French army ready to fight the usurpers. The game of betrayals and rivalries culminates in a final act located in Dover, where the three sisters and Lear will settle their outstanding debts.
William Shakespeare
Joan Sellent
Oriol Broggi
Joan Anguera
Paula Blanco
Màrcia Cisteró
Babou Cham
Oriol Guinart
Pep Jové
Carles Martínez
Òscar Muñoz
Mercè Pons
Xavier Ripoll
Xavier Ruano
Enric Serra
Marc Serra
Xavier Serrano
Ramon Vila
Work collaboration with the text
Jeroni Rubió
Special collaboration with the director
Pau Miró
Oriol Broggi and Paula Bosch
Pep Barcons
Roser Vallvé and Paula Bosch
Costume making
Roser Vallvé, Marien García, Catalina Fernández and Roser Fàbregas
Guillem Gelabert
Marc Serra and Blanca Arderiu
Berta Riera
Bito Cels
Video projections
Alfonso Ferri and Marçal Font
Master of Arms
Isaac Morera
Crown design
Carolina Martínez
Press and promotion
Front page
Executive production
Míriam Alagarda and Blanca Arderiu
Production direction
Bet Orfila
A co-production of La Perla 29 and The Grec Festival 2008
This is a great, brutal work. The characters, all of them, are wonderful. The story is, as you will see or know, beautiful.
It is a great thrill to be able to bring this production back to Barcelona, to the Library, which over the past few months has been visiting some cities and towns in Catalonia, touring with around twenty performances.
The old king Lear decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, guided by the love each one shows. However, he makes the mistake of dividing the lands between his two older daughters, the flatterers Goneril and Regan. The youngest, Cordelia, refuses to engage in the humiliating game with her father and her sisters and is sent into exile, banished. Goneril and Regan soon reveal their cruel nature and deny refuge to their father. Lear plunges into a storm (both real and mental) accompanied by his few faithful followers. The pain drives him mad. Meanwhile, Goneril and Regan vie for the love of Edmund and, at the same time, for the power of the kingdom. Cordelia returns from her imposed exile with the French army ready to fight, with the help of Kent, against her usurping sisters. The game of betrayals and rivalries initiates a fierce battle with sadness, loneliness, old age, and death, very close in the final act.
King Lear is perhaps Shakespeare's most difficult and complex work and has always been associated with maturity and older people. But for us, a fairly young company, that doesn't scare us because we conceive of theater as a party. A celebration that connects us with our audience and with our authors. I would like our Lear to be just that: a party. A celebration for the senses and emotions; something important for our theater and our life. And when I say ours, I mean, obviously, yours. Finally, I want to thank you again, for your - difficult and precious - attention.
Oriol Broggi
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