* Recommended show from 3 years old.
*El dia 18/01 a les 10.30h es farà la funció accessible amb subtítols i audiodescripció. En cas de necessitar motxilla vibratòria, podeu escriure a info@laperla29.cat i us la reservarem.
*En cas de necessitar un lloc de mobilitat reduïda podeu trucar al 93 217 17 70 i us ajudarem
MAC MEC MIC captures the magic of the Mic universe and brings it to the Teatre La Biblioteca. The company La Perla 29, in collaboration with the popular SX3 television program, presents a puppet show created for children and their families.
Mic is a wool puppet who always wants to play and discover everything. Along with his friends, the Fly, the Snail, and Cincsegons, they receive a very special letter in their mailbox. In this theatrical adventure, they will be joined by Lula, an enthusiastic girl who sings and makes everyone dance when she plays her ukulele. After discovering all that is inside this surprising letter, Mic and his friends will also want to write one themselves, fill it with drawings and beautiful things, and send it off on a journey. Do you want to help them? It’s very easy!
Everyone ready? MAC MEC MIC is about to begin!
A puppet show designed for the youngest ones.
* This show has the pillow area and the chair area. The two areas are non-numerated and the space will be occupied depending on the order of arrival.
* Everyone over 1 year must pay an entrance fee. If you come with a child under one year old, you will always have to sit with you.
Idea and Direction
Laia Gimó and Manel Trias
Manel Trias
Laia Gimó, Maica Meseguer, and Manel Trias
Jana Flotats
Marga Carbonell
Aurora Poveda
Mireia Sala
Lídia Clua
Mercè Framis
Ferran Albiol and Mercè Framis
Stage Managers
Xesco Quadras and Marc Serra
Puppet Design and Construction
Martí Doy
Sound Design
Pepino Pascual
Joan Anton Mas, Pepino Pascual, and Pau Vallvé
Lighting Design
La Perla 29 Teams
Set Design
Manel Trias
Costume Design
Gemma Malé
Graphics and Video Projections
Arianne Faber, Pepón Meneses, and Isabel Castillo
Set Construction
Jorba-Miró Set Design Studio, Xesco Quadras, and La Perla 29 Teams
Sea Painting
Montserrat Costa
Costume Workshop
Carolina Montoya
Show Technicians
Pau Montull, Pau Segura, and Maria Vaillo
Audience Services
Rita Capella, Eva Cartañà, Marina Puddu, and Núria Ubiergo
Acknowledgments to
Jordi Barcelona, whose vision has accompanied us from the very beginning; to Muntsa Minguell, Anna Torrens, Irma Gracia, and Mònica Garrigó for the textures and colors they have gifted us. To Lourdes Mir for being by our side.
A production of La Perla 29 with the complicity of 3Cat
Do you want to become a member of #AsSocPerla? All the information here.
C/ Carme, 44 1r 2ª
Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)