We will hear the voices of Nawal, Jeanne and Simon again... just once!
This year we are celebrating, we are 20 years old!
Throughout all these years we have been lucky enough to be able to create many spaces and transport the sand of La Biblioteca to the universes of Lorca, De Filipo, Irene Solà, Shakespeare and, of course, Wajdi Mouawad, among many others.
And it's no secret, one of the shows that has marked us the most is Incendis , a work that sought and created beauty. Everything, through the voices of Julio, Clara, Màrcia, the Xaviers; Boada, Ruano and Ricart and Clàudia. We really want to revive what was generated at Romea and then at La Biblioteca. We want to hear those words again, to be moved again and to relive that text .
For all this and more, the entire company will meet again on a single day, March 20 at 7pm at the Teatre La Biblioteca, to read the text of Incendis .
A single day, a single opportunity, a single reading.
The reading can also be streamed here .
Do you want to become a member of #AsSocPerla? All the information here.
C/ Carme, 44 1r 2ª
Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)