The Festival was born, it grew, but it didn't finish growing up. It is small, and remains so. Shakespeare is great, perhaps the greatest. You have to look at it with respect. And so we do. But for Catalan culture, and for all of us who love him, Shakespeare has become a close character, one of ours; because we feel it ours and close, and we want it ours and close. The Festival is not big or spectacular, it is a small thing that makes us fight. And do you have to fight for a small thing? It can be seen that it is, because we are here again, we are still there. And we sweat, and we cry and we laugh and we get angry and we get excited. And then we know we're big. And we are great because despite all the difficulties and setbacks, from our tenacity, effort and imagination, we raise our little tribute to one of the greatest every year.
Premieres, readings, conferences, talks, parties... We like to think that the Festival is a space for exhibition and exit. A program where those emerging, new proposals find their place. A container for this artistic pulse that exists and that does not always find a reality to show itself. Always around Shakespeare, of course, but always open to new readings, reinterpretations and revisions of the classics.
Montse Vellvehí
Artistic direction
Montse Vellvehí
Assistant director
Sandra Monclús
Artistic collaborators
Oriol Broggi and Julio Manrique
Bet Orfila
Blanca Arderiu and Mayca Sanz
Production assistant
Aina Juanet
Eli Villalta and Júlia Ribera
Technical direction
Guillem Gelabert and Francesc Pastor
Library space council
Marc Serra
Head of room
Bárbara Glaenzel
Technical team
Joan Boné, Ignasi Bosch, Anna Cuscó, Alfonsito Ferri, Aleix Ramisa, Eduard Rodríguez, Yann Rouzic, Marc Serra
Attention to the public
Lídia Figueras and Núria Ubiergo
Communication and press
Anna Madueño
Social networks and web
David Pintó
Regina Puig
Teatralnet multimedia
Marina Raurell
A production by La Perla 29 and Festival Shakespeare
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C/ Carme, 44 1r 2ª
Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)