At Can Castells there were some diaries and letters that no one had ever opened. Now they have read them, and they want to tell their story. These documents are a window into the silent and often silenced landscape of our memory and this show is an act of love and exploration through a theatre family.
On 7 December 1937 Pepe Castells and Pubill had to leave his mother's love company and brothers to go to war. Its history must not be so different from that experienced by many young Catalans. But he, two months later, at the La Puebla station in Hijar, decided to start writing a newspaper that for his family would become a mystery until the day of his death. Many soldiers who lived through the Spanish Civil War locked their experiences in lock and lock, leaving an unforgivable silence for any society, which was established with the "pacto del olvido" still present today. Like one of them, Pepe also sealed how he could his dietaries, drawings, and correspondences with painter's tape.
This is the story of a grandson searching for his grandfather in the middle of a war, reading his words aloud. Or that of a father who listens to his son while painting a backdrop, the landscape of war lived by his father. Because the Castels, a family of theatre and masters of the craft of scenograph construction, want to share the privilege of having broken their silence, the fruit of having been able to read the diaries named after their family. The silence of all those who have had to hide our history. This show is a homage to them all and an opportunity to remembrance through the theater.
Lluc Castells
Pepe Castells i Pubill
Pau Vinyals i Rita Molina Vallicrosa
Pau Vinyals
Pau Vinyals
Jordi Castells
Josep Castells
Voice off
Rita Molina Vallicrosa
Scenography and costumes
Lluc Castells
Judit Colomer
Sound and music
Arnau Vallvé
Executive production
Marta Márquez i Júlia Simó Puyo
Cassandra Projectes Artístics
Satge elements
Taller d’escenografia Castells
Structural modifications
Pascualín estructures
Historical Costumes
Època Barcelona
Fx make up
Eva Fernandez
Photo poster
Sílvia Poch
Roc Pont
With the support of the Catalan Institute of Cultural Companies (ICEC) and Cardedeu_INSPIRANTCULTURA
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abans de la funció)