Henry IV, a king, a madman, a solitary castle, lucidity, lies, a wounded and unforgotten love, a revenge, an unexplained guilt. A fascinating story and a monstrous character. Theater within the theater.
Luigi Pirandello
Oriol Broggi
Lluís Soler
Jordi Banacolocha
Àngels Poch
Ramon Vila
Màrcia Cisteró
Armand Villén
Òscar Muñoz
Enric Serra
Josep Mota
Dani Klamburg
Anna Pujol
Pep Barcons
Costume design
Maria Araujo
Musical direction
Dani Klamburg
Set design
Xavier Erra and Xavier Saló
Make-up and hairstyling
Toni Santos
Ros Ribes
Stage manager
Marc Serra
Executive production
Passadís Teatre (Jordi Basomba and Bet Orfila)
A coproduction of Festival Grec 2001 and Passadí Teatre
" I don't know if I have my head full of crickets, as they say. But I know I have my heart full of crickets" (as Estellés and Ovidi said a long time ago...).
This is how Enrique IV presents himself to us now.
The show begins.
He, Enrique IV, the great and tragic emperor, is in the throne room at the Castle of Canossa. Characters from the 20th century enter the scene - from the 21st century now - and with them, we, the audience. We don't know if we are witnessing the tragedy of Henry before Pope Gregory VII, the tragedy of a man before his life and his madness, or the tragedy of the actor playing the role. Pirandello, with his extraordinary text, becomes an old acquaintance: he speaks to us about love, madness, the crazy life we live, death, and the fear of death. He talks about almost everything... may the gods be favorable to us!
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C/ Carme, 44 1r 2ª
Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)