Lisa Peterson and Denis O'Hare took Homer's Iliad to reduce it to a powerful monologue about the inescapable human attraction to violence, destruction and chaos. The echo of the struggle between Greeks and Trojans - as the critic of The New York Times wrote - that resounds violently in our lives and in our desires. Eduard Farelo, directed by Juan Carlos Martel, assumes all the voices of this colossal epic. The voices of gods, heroes, warriors and kings, the roar of epic battles and the distant rumble of passions transformed into almost universal myths. All condensed in the power of the word of a single actor.
Lisa Peterson and Denis O'Hare, based on Homer's "Iliad"
Juan Carlos Martel Bayod
English translation
Robert Fagles
Catalan translation
Neus Bonilla
Eduard Farelo
Juan Pablo Balcázar
Verse Revision
Marc Artigau
Scenic Space and Costumes
Xesca Salvà
Marc Lleixà
Sound Design
Clara Aguilar
Movement Advising
Carlotta Bruni
David Ruano
A Martel Produccions and Temporada Alta 2018 production
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abans de la funció)