
La Perla 29, nominated for five Max Theater Awards!

I sing and the mountain dances and never stops giving us joy. After the eight Butaca Awards he won last November, now it's our turn to dream that the five nominations for the XXV Max Awards will also come true. And that, for us, is a matter of pride.

This production of La Perla 29, based on the successful novel by Irene Solà and adapted by Clàudia Cedó, is nominated for Best Editing, Best Direction (for Guillem Albà and Joan Arqué), Best Space (for Alfred Cases and Laura “Closca”), Best Lighting (for Sylvia Kuchinow) and Best Music (for Judit Neddermann). Five nominations summarizing a team work that began on November 18, 2020, with the first reading, and ended on May 2, 2021, with the last function. A six-month journey along which the story imagined by Irene gradually came to life.

When Guillem Albà and Joan Arqué made us the proposal, we didn't know that the story of Domènec, and the mountain, and the deer, and the water women would be one of our greatest successes. The play premiered on February 17, 2021 and suffered all possible setbacks: regional and municipal confinement, capacity restriction, curfew... However, tickets were sold out almost from the beginning and the work was able to remain on the poster for ten weeks. In total, 66 functions were performed.

This 2022, once the pandemic has (hopefully) passed, we will see the characters on stage again. On the 4th of July we will re-release Canto jo i la montana balla and who knows, maybe by then, we will have celebrated a few more awards.


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