
from William Shakespeare, Direction by Oriol Broggi

From 05.05.2010 to 05.30.2010
2h 45min

Hamlet returns to the Biblioteca de Catalunya, after being a success during the previous season and following a tour through Catalonia and the Balearic Islands with more than 20 performances.


This is a story of revenge and pain. Hamlet, son of the recently deceased king of Denmark, discovers, from the appearance of his father's ghost, that he has died in a terrible way. His own brother, Claudius, has poisoned him. The prince begins to doubt everything at this point. Who tells the truth? Is the apparition real? Who should he believe? Based on certain events and behavior of those around him, Hamlet becomes convinced of the tragedy that really hides his father's death.

A power struggle organized by Claudius who was able to kill his own brother and marry his wife, Queen Gertrudis. Hamlet son begins to behave incomprehensible to the rest of the people around him. Everyone thinks he's crazy and he really lives in this confusion to the limit. In the palace, the stories will be crossed in the worst possible way, until they end up triggering a series of unnecessary deaths (like that of Polonius) but which, in the end, will be the only way to bring to light the truth about the king's death.

Along the way, the poor prince will find himself alone and lose his beloved Ophelia, his deceived mother Gertrude and also his soulmates.

Artistic team

William Shakespeare
Joan Sellent
Oriol Broggi

Julio Manrique
Carme Pla
Carles Martínez
Marc Rodríguez
Aida de la Cruz
Ramon Vila
Jordi Rico

Collaboration in dramaturgy
Marc Rosich
Albert Faura
Dressing room
La Perla 29
Assistant director
Pau Carrió
Bito Cels
Guillem Gelabert and Jordi Llorens Musoles_GATARO
Fencing instructor
Isaac Morera
Press and promotion
Anna Madueño

A production of La Perla 29

Galeria imatges secundària (slide)
Direction notes

Now we want to do a Hamlet!

The journey that La Perla 29 has undertaken within the theatrical world of our country has been somewhat unconventional. Anyway, that's how we like to think of it. From our corner, we have been able to grow steadily, as a team and with conviction. We have done what we wanted, reaching an agreement with a growing and loyal audience, and keeping alive the eternal conflict between reality and what is called the "theatrical system." A theatrical system that we love, because it is ours, but that we also want to improve. During these first eight years of life, La Perla 29 has been building a solid work team and a physical space that has managed, we believe, to generate a cultural space within this system we speak of: a unique space in the collective imagination.

From our freedom, we have taken the texts that we have liked the most, and without complexes, we have done what we felt like doing. We have used the elements that we have considered appropriate at each moment to say exactly what we wanted. And we are happy, because during the last few years, we have had the chance to get to know up close The Misanthrope, Uncle Vanya, Antigone, ... and also Shakespeare's King Lear. And in Shakespeare, we have found freedom. Total freedom, within the extraordinary "measure" of his verses, and the situations he poses.

Now. Today. We believe, we dare to think, that we can do a Hamlet! It is scary and above all, it commands respect, but at the same time, it fills us with a crazy excitement. It's the feeling of starting over; of looking at everything again and seeing it differently. We believe that if we wait too long, we will no longer be young enough to dare, as has happened to us with Lear or Vanya.... and at the same time, we are starting to reach an age that allows us to feel capable and eager to play with Hamlet.

For us, now is the time. We are ready for battle. And then, we remember Papasseit: "Every wound, the blood of a poem". The poet would have been a friend of Shakespeare and Hamlet, for sure. Nothing is mean, nor is any hour dark! And it's because the theater cannot be something dark, overseen by ungenerous people, highbrows of high culture, savages or twisted minds. Theater must be done with enthusiasm, and we cannot lose sight of the fact that it is the characters who doubt and not the actors. The actors dance, sing, recite, cry, drink beer, and have a party in front of the audience. They show happiness because they feel free thanks to Shakespeare. And that's how we feel, freer, more human, and everything seems possible and wonderful to us; and when it's not, it is for a moment, because: "every wound is the blood of a poem, of a new scene, of a new impulse."

Oriol Broggi



Last tickets
Sold out
may. 2010
Teatre La Biblioteca  Finished
may. 2010
Teatre La Biblioteca  Finished