"I didn't kill myself when things got hard. I didn't turn to drugs or teaching. I tried to sleep but when I couldn't sleep, I learned to write, I learned to write what could be read on nights like this by people like me."
If someone asked us what Tothom ho sap is, we could define it as a small-format show where we try to share with the public the Cohen universe, the best known, as perhaps his songs, and the most unknown, his testimony, his interviews, his poems. Once again, the Cohen universe has also led us to build a show that could be defined as a poetic-musical recital, or as a reading accompanied by music. As with the poet, it is difficult to stay with a single definition. Many times we have listened to songs like "Suzanne" or "The partisan", but have we really been able to delight in each of the words, in their poetry? Well, here we try to make the words of the poet resonate inside us. And outside.
Stage direction and dramaturgy
Montse Vellvehí and Ernest Villegas
Musical direction and arrangements
Marc Serra
Marta Marco
Marc Serra
Montse Vellvehí
Ernest Villegas
Linguistic advisor and translations
Víctor Sunyol
Translation of poems
Jaume Pons Alorda
A production of La Perla 29
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C/ Carme, 44 1r 2ª
Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)