How much strength does love have? What do we have faith in? Is it possible to keep hope alive?
Elisabeth is an undocumented woman. To obtain a work permit she needs money, but first she has to pay a fine because she has worked without the permit, a contradiction that will lead her to tirelessly go through all the paths of an absurd labor, social and welfare system. Contrasting the cold darkness of National Socialism with the colorful warmth of the people on the street, Amor Fe Esperança is von Horváth's critical and at the same time tender look at a society that places individuals in desperate situations.
Ödön von Horváth
Feliu Formosa
Direction and dramaturgy
Carlota Subirós
Muntsa Alcañiz
Jordi Banacolocha
Ernesto Collado
Jordi Collet
Àngels Poch
Maria Ribera
Xavier Ripoll
Clara Segura
Jordi Serrat
Melcior Casals
Ana Moya
Pablo Rosal
Estel Cristià and Max Glaenzel
Mingo Albir
Pepe Bel
M. Rafa Serra
Assistant director
Ferran Dordal Lalueza
Construction assistants
Adolfo Vila and Enric Masip
Sound assistant
Marta Folch
A production of La Perla 29
How much strength does love have? What do we have faith in? Is it possible to keep hope alive?
Ödön von Horváth, one of the greatest playwrights of the tumultuous 1920s and 1930s, wrote this "popular piece" based on a real-life news event that a journalist friend had told him about. A girl who has left home and wants to be independent finds herself trapped by the social mechanisms that, with the intention of controlling and regulating work and relationships between people, end up suffocating her destiny. Healthcare, the job market, social assistance, the judicial system, the police apparatus... Horváth traces the journey of Elizabeth, a case taken from everyday life that ultimately becomes a true "dance of death".
But despite everything, despite the dark premonition that surrounds Elizabeth and despite the pettiness of all those around her, Horváth's gaze always maintains a strange warmth. With a personal mixture of irony, tenderness, and black humor, Horváth vividly describes the dreams and miseries of ordinary people, the working classes, and the petite bourgeoisie. In a society where fascism is brewing underground, Horváth neither saves the good nor accuses the bad, but rather alerts us to the diffuse evil in everyone. Amor Fe Esperança was supposed to be premiered in 1933, but the Nazis' victory in the elections led to an immediate ban on its premiere. Today, the play, for better or for worse, remains entirely relevant.
This play is dedicated to all the women and men who every day manage on their own, without papers, in a world where they are made to believe they are more of a nuisance than a service. I don't know if it's still possible to believe in love, faith, hope. But I do believe in courage.
Carlota Subirós
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