Bolxevics seeks coherence, seeks it to dissect it and find the essential point of the approach of the work: what does it mean to be coherent? Consistent with whom? With what?
There are things that only happen once in a lifetime. Believers leave the temples. Enemies, taking advantage of this void of values, want to tear them down to impose a new building, a new religion. Objective: peaceful closure of the chapel. Chains, cement, non-explosives. Lanterns, a malfunctioning lighter, and a rope. A toaster. The key is in the confessional. We will not kill the ants. This is the house of the Lord. Minutes of the day: be radical. We will use collective thinking as a method where listening, respect, and criticism are indispensable. Reach an agreement. Renounce recognition. Not wish success to anyone. Surrender with head held high. Abilities are abilities, for example, singing. Singing cannot be ideological or political. We will stand firm and united: constantly remind ourselves of the essential.
Aleix Aguilà
Aleix Aguilà
Júlia Barceló
Assistant Director
Enric Cambray
Pol López
Júlia Molins
Magda Puig
Marc Rodríguez
Pau Vinyals
Set Design
Anna Badia
Roger Bellas
Adrià Pinar
Lighting Technician
Alba Macfarlane
Alba Costa
Composition and Musical Direction
Vidal Soler
With the help of:
Cover photography
Caterina Barjau
Rehersal photography
Marina Raurell
Hair and makeup:
Rut Fulgado
A production by La Solitària
In these times that we have built, that we have had to live through or that have been left to us as an inheritance, many social movements are considering what we can do to save ourselves. To save the planet, people, social relationships, beliefs, values... Everyone sees the world in their own way and wants to solve it as such.
BOLXEVIKS seeks coherence, seeks it to dissect it and find the essential point of the work's approach: what does it mean to be coherent? Coherent with whom? With what? The idea against or in favor of oneself? Learning or not to do without certain aspects in favor of a common idea. Is commitment sacrifice? Perhaps a common idea will never be coherent with an individual who, after all, is just that, an individual. And not a community. And perhaps without global thinking, we will never become social, sociable, and respectful beings.
Perhaps it's all a matter of being brave or cowardly. Or maybe not. And as a young actress that I am, and without wanting to put ahead in the staging some very big social or philosophical knowledge in my baggage, I bet on the mechanics of the actors, on the three main characters. On their relationships, fears, and attitudes towards a simple but not simple question: is fidelity to an ideology compatible with our social, professional, and spiritual life?
BOLXEVIKS is a text that I adore and admire, because I feel identified as an actress, an integral part of the Solitary Company, and as a person. And because this "revolutionary tragicomedy" is the definitive presentation letter of our company: where everything is discussed, argued, and questioned. Exhausting but truly rewarding. And with all this, I see that I can't stop asking questions. I'm sorry. Answer them and save me. But save me from what?
Júlia Barceló
Do you want to become a member of #AsSocPerla? All the information here.
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Tel. 93 217 17 70
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Tel. 647 29 37 31
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abans de la funció)