"It's time for reflection.
It's time to listen again.
We need to relearn to listen.
The word above all and the listening.
Stories that have survived the passage of time."
Baricco decides to create a prose version more in line with his literary style, setting aside the archaic lexicon to achieve a narrative with more life and rhythm. He makes some modifications to the original text, eliminating everything he deems unnecessary. For instance, he skips the lengthy catalog of ships and crew heading towards Troy. He removes the intervention of the Homeric narrator, placing the story on a more human and earthly plane. Additionally, he changes the literary formula by having the characters speak in the first person instead of the third, to facilitate the audience's identification with them.
Alessandro Baricco
Anna Casassas
Directed by
Antonio Calvo
Lluis Soler
Marta Marco
Jordi Boixaderas
Sound design
Àlex Polls
Kiko Planas
Montse Alacuart
Executive production
Pas 29.
A co-production of Festival Grec 06 and Pas 29 with the collaboration of the Instituto Italiano di Cultura.
A production of La Perla 29
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Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)