Homer through The Odyssey tells us of Ulysses' return to his homeland, Ithaca. The Trojan War is over and Ulysses travels a long journey home that ends after avenging all the suitors of his wife, Penelope.
Carles Riba
Marc Rosich
Directed by
Antonio Calvo
Lluis Soler
Music composed and performed by
Eduard Iniesta
Jorge Salcedo
Design and technique of so
Mr. Lobo
Light technique
Lluís Martí
Direction and production
Anna Madueño
Blanca Arderiu
Production direction
Bet Orfila
A co-production of Temporada Alta 2010, El Canal and La Perla 29.
A production by La Perla 29
When talking about the work that Carles Riba did with The Odyssey into the Catalan language, we find ourselves before one of the most beautiful translations that have ever been made of this text. So much so that when reading it we immediately realize the added value that the story acquires in the hands of Riba, in addition to the adventures written by Homer, already valuable in themselves, the translation makes the events narrated in The Odyssey acquire a new dimension , the mastery when it comes to expressing said story in another language that is not the original goes beyond the range of simple translation and becomes a great creative and artistic work around the Catalan language.
So when it comes to conceiving this show, Homeric stories have as much interest as the fact of Riba's translation; just as Homer was the aedo of these stories a few thousand years ago, we could see Riba as an aedo who in our times has known how to express and take advantage of the possibilities of the language through which he tells us the stories of The Odyssey.
Antonio Calvo
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abans de la funció)