Llibert arises from the need to evoke a moment full of chaotic, rational, contradictory, absurd and even comical thoughts... and to bear witness, to thank and to denounce.
A mother recounts the 15 days of her son's life and how she and her partner go through, from the explosion of happiness upon learning she is pregnant, to the conclusion that the best thing that can happen to her son is to die. The roller coaster she has to ride, how her projection of the future changes, her perception of everything around her, illness, death, the decisions she has to make, doubts, pain, obstacles, and contradictions she faces.
Onstage, the mother, out of necessity, summons two accomplices, two spirits materializing as a friend and a rock singer, word and music, who will transform as the story unfolds in all the voices the narrative requires. A tale stemming from a memory that sometimes breaks and sometimes invents itself, blending reality and fiction, soaring into fantasy while keeping its feet on the ground. From a highly personal perspective, Llibert drags you along like a torrent and leaves you, ultimately, with the aftermath of specific events that hold universal value. A cocktail of humor and tragedy that captivates you until the end.
Gemma Brió
Directed by
Norbert Martínez
Gemma Brió
Tàtels Pérez
Singer and actress
Set Design
Lluc Castells
Lighting Design
Jaume Ventura
Costume Design
Bárbara Glaenzel
Sound Space
Mar Orfila
Ramón Ciercoles
Oriol Rufach
Jordi Castells
Executive Production
Marta Fluvià
Graphic Design
Laia Montanyès
Felipe Mena
Photography Assistant
Alba Nàjera
Mar Orfila
Virtual Chronicler
Eduard Molner
Confronting a text as a director is an exercise in risk where intuition and necessity play a crucial role. You intuit how to turn that text into a theatrical event, with all that it implies, and you feel the need to convey that story to an audience. This, which may seem obvious, is actually a challenge. Llibert has everything you desire to take on this risk: intrinsic theatricality and overwhelming narrative strength. Like in a Caravaggio chiaroscuro, the light falls on the mother, and it is her voice that brings out from the darkness the rest of the characters: the son, the father, the friends, the doctors, the family... more or less distinct figures that complete the canvas. This balance between clarity and darkness is one of the great values of the work, a clarity full of humor, vitality, hope, and illusion, and a darkness laden with doubts, contradictions, anger, and suffering. And between darkness and clarity, the music, an element that cuts across the entire work, evoking songs, illuminating moments, whistling, and deafening. Llibert is a whole life, told from a brave, concise, and direct voice.
Norbert Martínez
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abans de la funció)