Els ulls de l’etern germà

Un dilema de Stefan Zweig

From 02.08.2023 to 03.19.2023
1h 40min

Let's get our first show to celebrate 20 years of La Perla 29. At the time, it was first performed in the Sala Beckett, and somehow we still feel that there was the core of a way of doing and understanding the theater that we've been developing. From our aesthetics. Our artistic research.


The action of this oriental fable takes place in exotic and distant lands, and in the time perhaps even more distant when the excellent Buddha inhabited the land of the Bigwaghesos.

Virata is a respected and feared warrior, known as "sword lightning", who defends the legitimacy of the Rajput King in the Kingdom's bloody fratricidal struggles. He will alone lead the royal armies to victory, but he will pay a very high price: during the fight he unknowingly kills his own brother. The hard and piercing gaze of the brother killed in battle will inevitably be etched forever on his soul and he will know no more rest or peace. Virata resolves never again to touch weapons or do anything that could take away so much freedom from another man: one's action can negatively affect another, and it is never fair enough. This conviction will make him embark on a long journey in search of justice and freedom, the (perhaps unsuccessful) attempt to live in this world suspending action and without causing effects in the lives of others.

Based on Stefan Zweig's story of the same name, we present this great fable about life actions, desire, bonds with others and, ultimately, how to live in a shared world. What is it and what are the consequences of men's actions on earth? Where lies the true freedom of the individual? In himself or in the commitment to what he does? A dilemma that Stefan Zweig raises in a beautiful and almost universal way.

Artistic team

Stefan Zweig
Marisa Siguan

Direction and space
Oriol Broggi

Oscar Muñoz
Xavier Ripoll

Marc Serra

Pep Barcons
Francesc Isern
Assistant director 
Sara Sors
2023 text revision 
Ramon Vila
2002 Text revision 
Lluís Quintana
Moises Broggi
Scenography construction 
Castells scenography workshop
Technical functions 
Guillem Carbonell
Assembly technicians 
Gerard Tubau, Joan Camprodon, Fer Acosta, Roger Blasco and Marco Ruggero
Stage manager 
Chiara Palladino
Customer service 
Núria Ubiergo and Eva Cartaña
Poster design 
Enric Jardí
Bito Cel

A production of La Perla 29

Galeria imatges secundària (slide)
Direction notes

This is the first assembly that La Perla 29 did, it will be exactly 20 years now. We did it at the Sala Beckett and, in a way, we still feel that there was the core of something that we have since unfolded. Of our aesthetics. From our research. It is an adaptation of Stefan Zweig's short story with two actors who are both characters and narrators, and a musician who interprets, accompanies and illustrates the text. That's the most important thing, the story being told. It must be used well, accompanying the viewer so that he travels along the actors and lives the entire fable projecting every image and every concept of Zweig's penetrating narration. The voice is the first element, words emerge from it: the spoken word, the word read, interpreted, declaimed, whispered, set to music, sung, remembered... and the gestures, intentions, and actions that accompany it.

Twenty years later, we are bringing back this little gem that at the time was well received by the public from all over the territory. We want to go through againEyes of the eternal brother, challenges us in an exciting, poignant and inspiring way.

Oriol Broggi



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feb. 2023
Teatre La Biblioteca  Finished
mar. 2023
Teatre La Biblioteca  Finished