Caïm i Abel

Text and direction by Marc Artigau i Queralt

From 06.14.2016 to 07.24.2016
3h 15min

"And if I don't cross the sea, others will come with the same name and the same bones, with the same hands and the same breath, and you will have them standing here, in front of you, and you won't have enough bullets - I can assure you - in your damn city to shoot us in the head."


Caïm i Abel is not the story of two brothers. There are no good and bad. It is the story of two families. One lives next to the fence - so similar to ours - and the other lives kilometers away, we don't know where. Caïm i Abel talks about survivors. Two generations, two ways of understanding reality. In a few years - from the eighties to today - the world has rushed towards a global life, capitalism has inserted a handful of needs that do not exist, and we are burdened on the backs of the best Europe (or the best West ) we've decided what's okay and what's not for the rest of the world. Beyond the fence we don't know what's there, maybe it doesn't scare us, but we prefer to ignore it, on this side of the fence the world is not as we imagined it.

Artistic team

Text and direction
Marc Artigau i Queralt
Assistant director
Aleix Fauró

Jordi Figueras
Berta Giraut
Clara De Ramon
Marc Rodríguez
Sergi Torrecilla
Lluís Villanueva

In collaboration with

Sebastià Brosa and Josep Iglesias
Scenography assistants
Students of the master's degree in Scenographic Design at the Elisava school: Smarlen Almonte Almonte, Núria de Arana Freixa, Yeo – Hyun Kim,Ximena Rubio Bernal, Ainhoa San Roman López, Taisa Teixeira Campos and Maria Vicente Durà.
David Bofarull
Isabel Velasco
Intern wardrobe assistant
Sandra Masdevall
Joan Solé
Sound assistance
Guillem Rodríguez
Francesc Isern
Ángels Salinas
Assistant director
Aleix Fauró
Anna Cuscó and Marc Serra
Tailor functions
Olga Fibla
Technical duties
Guillem Gelabert
David Ruano / Bito Cels
Graphic design
Andrea Gusi / Pau Masaló
Attention to the public
Núria Ubiergo and Laura Torres

A production of La Perla 29

Galeria imatges secundària (slide)
Direction notes

I was asked by La Perla to write a few words to talk about Caïm and Abel . It's difficult to describe what one writes, because right now I'm in the middle of the story. Muddy up to the knees. Surrounded by people who eat, sleep and complain to me. Caïm and Abel is now a story that grows and devours me. But I can tell you that there is a security guard pointing a gun at a man. It is dark and cold. We are on a beach. Today. In a border. Both men are seeing each other for the first time, talking, but this meeting without them knowing will change them forever. Caïm and Abel is not the story of two brothers. There is no good and bad. It is the story of two families. One lives on one side of the fence – so similar to ours- and others live kilometers away, where we do not know. Caïm and Abel speaks of survivors. Two generations, two ways of understanding reality. In the last few years – Eighties until today – the world has rushed to a global capitalism that has inserted a handful of requirements that do not exist, and we loaded back to Europe for the best (or the best West) that have decided what is good and what is not for the rest of the world. We don't know what's beyond the fence , maybe we are not afraid, but we prefer to ignore it, on this side of the fence the world is not as we imagined.

Marc Artigau i Queralt



Last tickets
Sold out
jun. 2016
Teatre La Biblioteca  Finished
jul. 2016
Teatre La Biblioteca  Finished